DiningRD Blog
Quality Assurance Performance Improvement
QAPI /kwā pe/ The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) define QAPI as “the coordinated application of two mutually-reinforcing aspects of a quality management system: Quality Assurance (QA) and Performance Improvement (PI).” Although this may sound complicated, Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement can be found rooted in food service operations. Think about the Quality…
Food Allergies and Intolerances
A food intolerance is sometimes confused with or mislabeled as a food allergy. Food intolerances involve the digestive system while food allergies involve the immune system. With a food allergy, even a microscopic amount of the food has the potential to lead to a serious or life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis. 8 Major Allergens Cross-Contact Cross-contact…
CMS Phase 2: Dining Regulation Boot Camp
CMS regulatory changes are coming and require careful time and attention to many our practices, protocols and systems to insure regulatory compliance. Boot camp will provide careful review of dining and clinical documentation to insure all standard operating procedures, protocols and practices are survey ready in 4-weeks. Fri, Dec 15, 2017 1:30 PM – 3:00…
Current Events: Foodborne Pathogens and Food Safety
Wed, Aug 23, 2017 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM CDT
Story Time
So maybe my idea of story time is a little different… Have you ever stopped to realize we tell stories through food? And, many stories are passed down in the form of recipes. Share some story time with your co-workers or residents. Jot down your favorite recipe and share it with someone you know. Don’t…
Menu Madness
The warmer weather can only mean one thing…time for new menus! We know that your to-do list never stops. Don’t wait another minute – make a quick call to our menu team today for your Spring/Summer menu. 1-800-544-3059 help@DiningRD.com
Pop Up Activities
What’s an activity without food? Really think about that. Now consider the impact of food service beyond just serving Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner every day. Food related activities help to promote social time with residents in Long Term Care as well as good nutrition and overall health. Consider these food activities: Bring the kitchen to…
Diet is a Bad Word
The new year begins and so does my annual endeavor to be on a “diet”. It doesn’t last long – because going on a diet implies restriction, and who wants that?! If the word “diet” is so negative, why does our industry continue to call food service “Dietary”? We have a wonderful opportunity to advocate…
Social Sharing
We love food! In fact, we love taking pictures of food almost as much as we love eating food! Did you know we’re on Instagram? We’re sharing pictures of what’s cooking in the Health Technologies test kitchen as well as what’s on the menu for dinner at home. Other important news updates, achievements, and just…
Chat with us!
Join our expert menu support team for a LIVE session of the Dining Manager menu program. Check out the latest program updates, ask questions, and learn the newest features. Wednesday, July 20th 1pm CST 1.0 hour Continuing Education credit for Certified Dietary Managers