Check out our calendar of events! Register today – space is limited

February 22nd – Care Planning for Success
With the recent changes to the CMS guidelines, now more than ever, it is vital to establish a measurable care plan! Become a care planning professional in this session.
March 21st – Nutrition and Chronic Diseases in the Elderly
In the long-term care setting it is likely that our residents will have one or more chronic disease diagnosis. We will explore some of the common chronic diseases we often see in the geriatric population and how to treat those disease states.
April 23rd – How to Develop a Competency Based Training Program
Setting your department up for success starts with a well-designed training program. Each position in your department should be provided with the training and tools necessary for them to complete their daily tasks in a competent and safe manner. Establishing a successful training program starts in the hiring process and must continue throughout the year with annual ongoing training.